Monday, March 30, 2020

The Tutoring Center At Montgomery College

The Tutoring Center At Montgomery CollegeTakoma Park, Maryland is one of the nation's premier locations for an exclusive, private institution of higher learning. The school is also known as Montgomery College. It offers Bachelor of Arts degree, Doctor of Education Degree, Master of Education Degree, Associate of Applied Science Degree, Master of Arts Degree and Doctor of Philosophy Degree. Additionally, the college has a vocational training program and tutoring center.The school is known for its innovative research methods and is dedicated to innovative programs and processes. This is one of the world's best schools for providing education. This institute has lots of international students because of its close proximity to Washington, DC. The college serves students from around the world and meets all of their needs to become highly qualified and educated professionals.The tutoring center is available seven days a week. Since the center's opening, it has helped thousands of students in the area attend the college. The tutoring center is an extension of the college. It was built with high-tech facilities that help students gain expertise in their studies. They are made available for the convenience of the tutoring students.For special tutor students, it is necessary to be able to interact with them as much as possible. The center's tutor's room has different spaces, which makes it convenient for tutors to be seated comfortably while at work. The rooms also have working monitors and a television set, so the tutor can listen to his or her work in comfort. Another room contains ergonomic chairs and desks, which help the students to be at ease during the sessions.Also, the center at Montgomery College is an innovative system of teaching and is known for its interactive teaching method. Students can interact with the tutors through the webcam and listen to the lessons through voice-overs. They also have the option to make a video chat with the tutor through a webcam and do some recording to save the lectures in written form. All this is accomplished to give an individualized lesson for each student.The tutoring center is not only helpful for students, but also for parents. Many tutoring centers provide their services free of charge. The college gives the parents an opportunity to find one for their children, as well. It also provides video links for the tutoring centers, which means the parents do not have to go to a physical location.Some of the best features of the tutoring center include: personalized attention, free of charge and timely responses to student queries, responsive, friendly tutors, easy access, regular feedback, availability 24 hours per day, and a strong curriculum. The college is also popular because of its level of care and concern towards its students. It can make sure that its tutors work professionally, have experience in the field, and be knowledgeable in their field. Furthermore, the tutoring center welcomes students fr om different parts of the world, giving them a place to learn at their own pace.Parents are also relieved because they do not have to pay tuition fees for their child. It also has a successful online education program, which helps students get a Bachelor of Arts degree at a minimum cost.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Cellphones Are Potentially Cancer Causing

Cellphones Are Potentially Cancer Causing In the past, such studies have been largely ignored, especially since we are so attached to our cellphones as a society. However, these results are by far the most alarming, and researchers are taking them very seriously. So how important is this information exactly? NBC News asked some important questions and below are the answers that you’re going to need when it comes to your safety. 1. “Do I need to throw away my cellphone?” In short: no. The associate director of the National Toxicology program, John Bucher, hasn’t changed his cellphone habits, although he’s also not a heavy user either. In fact, he is only on his phone for about one hour a day or less. According to him, “I don’t use a cellphone very often. People don’t seem to call me much. I use a cellphone next to my head or with earbuds, depending on what I am doing.” So the important thing to think about here is that cellphones don’t need to be thrown out completely, but the amount of time you spend on your phone might also need to change. For some, it might need to change drastically. In the study, the test rats were given high levels of cellphone signal, largely an amount that was above the legal limit set by the Federal Communications Commission for cellphones. These rats were also exposed for about nine hours every day, from before their birth until their death at about two years of age. According to Bucher, “All these animals were exposed at levels that were heavy.” Apparently, this is a standard in rat trials so that some sort of effect is displayed. So this would also mean that it’s extremely hard to tell what the effect on human beings is going to be. And to look at the records of brain cancer and other such cancers, it’s important to understand that these rates have not shot up, as would be expected if cancer really is linked to cellphone usage. According to Bucher, “We are aware of the fact that there certainly has not been an increase in brain cancer rates in the United States.” However, it’s also important to note that people live decades longer than rats do, and that such cancers can take more than that to develop as well. A majority of studies done haven’t shown evidence linking cellphone signals to cancer. However, this one did, and that’s why it’s going to be fairly prevalent in the news. But while one study doesn’t necessarily give conclusive evidence, it will result in several studies that take this evidence and test it further. So while this is a good start, we’re not going to have a definite answer until well into numerous future studies. According to NBC news, “It’s the body of evidence collected over years by different groups taking different approaches that yields a good answer.” 2. “Can I keep my cellphone in my pocket?”   According to Bucher, “Many people hold cellphones at various places around the body. Women [have] been known to place the cellphones in their bras.” But in this study, the rats were purposely exposed to cellphone radiation over their entire bodies. That way, the effects were seen over their entire bodies rather than specific locations. And the results still showed tumors in only two places: in the brain and around the heart. As far as why this is the case, it’s still unclear. According to Bucher, “We have no real sense whether other organs are more sensitive or less sensitive to radiofrequency radiation.” But to give the same answer as was given to the last question, the best way to avoid potential problems, at least for the time being, is to reduce your exposure to your cellphone. This means limiting the time you spend on the phone, using earphones or Bluetooth devices so that you aren’t directly in contact with your phone and ignoring the kits that are sold to protect your body from radiation, as they “generally do not work as advertised,” according to the FDA. 3. “Are we going to see higher rates of cancer in the future?” Basically: we don’t know. Because there isn’t an actual, visible change in the cancer rates as compared to cellphone use, it’s hard to say. However, it also takes years for cancer to develop. So these results could be there, just not visible until several years from now. Also, with results from past rat studies to lean on, it’s apparent that cancer links that were there in rats aren’t ever there in people. Plus, there isn’t actually a known mechanism for cellphone radiation to result in cancer this would have to be done by something that no one knows about yet. 4. “When will we know more?” As stated before, these results have been rushed out to the public, so the study actually isn’t done yet. In fact, it won’t be done until 2017. According to Bucher, “They have over 7,000 studies in these animals. These were enormously time consuming and expensive studies.” So it’s largely unlikely that this study will be repeated again, at least not at this scale. Currently, there is a study going on in Europe that looks at 290,000 cellphone users that began in 2010 and will be followed for about 30 years to see if the users develop cancer at different rates. So again, long story short: it will be a while before we have any more information. So in the meantime, know the potential dangers and plan accordingly. Put down the cellphone when you can, but don’t take it too seriously yet, either.

No tuition support for A-Level resitters from this summer

No tuition support for A-Level resitters from this summer The Guardian has reported today that students who find themselves needing to resit A-Levels following this summer's results will not necessarily have the benefit of support from their schools. The reason is that the syllabus changed in September and schools will be teaching to the new and not the old syllabuses (1). Jessica Shepherd's article then reports that this may mean students have to bring in private tutors or turn to crammers and continues to explain that parents feel their children should be given support to maximise their chances of attending good universities. The obvious question this poses from our perspective, is how much tuition support has historically been provided by schools for candidates who resit? What are the experiences of parents and of course the students themselves who find they need to resit in time for January? And from the teachers among our community, it would be interesting to hear whether you feel a school has a duty to provide private tuition classes and individualised support to resitting students? Is this extending the responsibility for individual results to that of the institution unfairly or, should all schools be seeking to ensure students get the result however many takes are necessary? In pragmatic terms, where does one draw the line where the practicalities of managing many syllabuses are concerned? (1) For those who enjoy a grammar debate, see Oxford on syllabuses versus syllabi!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Things to Consider When Choosing YMCA Math Tutoring

4 Things to Consider When Choosing YMCA Math TutoringUsing YMCA Math Tutoring is a terrific way to keep your child interested and on the right track. Most parents want their children to excel in school and most of them get stuck in the same rut. The best thing that you can do is have an intense and creative plan to get your child's mind out of the rut. Here are some simple tips to make sure that you get the best out of your child's experience with YMCA Math Tutoring.First, the first thing that you should know is that most of the tutors that offer YMCA Math Tutoring have a website or e-mail address. For that reason, it is a great idea to send your child to those tutors from these websites rather than the tutors in the local community center. Also, the Internet gives you a better chance to monitor your child's progress and give him or her more opportunity to make mistakes in class. Therefore, if you will be sending your child to the tutors from the online tutoring program, it is best t o make sure that they are from an accredited school and that they are certified by the State Education Department.Second, when you are sending your child to the tutors, try to get at least three tutors so that you will have the option to compare their ratings and reviews. Even though you may feel like it is your right to choose whatever tutor you want, it is better to ask for some more information about them before you actually choose one. Always take into consideration the tutor's past history and educational background. In fact, if you are using YMCA Math Tutoring for the first time, it is a good idea to get some samples of work that the tutor has done. For example, you can ask for samples of college level mathematics works that the tutor has created in his or her professional life.Third, you should be careful about choosing the local tutors. Many tutors hire a lot of their students locally. Since their goal is to increase their business, they will always prefer their local studen ts over other students. There are some wonderful local schools, but you need to find them, and the local schools are typically ones that are not easily accessible by public transportation.Fourth, you should also go online and visit the YMCA Math Tutoring website. You can find all the details that you need about the tutor in the program. You can find detailed information about the teachers, the students, the geography of the school, the expected results and much more. All the teachers and the students are expected to be verified on the YMCA Math Tutoring website. You can also read the feedbacks from previous students of the tutors that you are looking for.Your last and perhaps the most important step to make sure that you will get the best from your child is to pay special attention to the fees. The fee that you will have to pay is definitely going to be a factor in your decision. Some of the tutors offer free lessons but still charge you for the services.Make sure that you take note of all the features, the benefits and the discounts offered by the YMCA Math Tutoring Program. These are some of the things that you should consider when you are sending your child to a tutor for the first time. Be sure that you will find the right tutor for your child and use the best tutoring program that can make the difference between success and failure in the future.

Why Attend Act Tutoring?

Why Attend Act Tutoring?Act Tutoring Dallas Fort Worth is one of the best in their line of education services. There are so many benefits to attending an Act Tutoring program as opposed to attending a regular classroom. We will discuss the main reasons why you should consider enrolling in an Act Tutoring program.The act tutoring Dallas Fort Worth provides includes: private tuition, tutoring through phone, email, online, and in person or online. Students can even speak with instructors over the phone if they choose. There are also other options such as non-traditional tutoring opportunities such as book-time classes, film nights, and private lunch.Tutoring at home is a popular option with many students who are on a tight budget. It is a good idea to choose the option that allows you to keep all your bills paid for the month. Also, you can work on projects or assignments while you are on campus. These options allow you to get some extra work done without needing to pay out of pocket.Ac t Tutoring provides you with the learning materials that you need for your classes. This includes textbooks, workbooks, and study guides. It is important to make sure that you have what you need before you start the class so that you can keep up with everything you need to do. You can also use the internet to search for the resources that you need.Act Tutoring Dallas Fort Worth does not require you to pay a teacher to show you a video on a particular subject. As a student, you can attend classes, watch videos, or participate in group discussions. The only downside to this is that you have to pay for the materials that you need.Act Tutoring Dallas Fort Worth is quite affordable. There are a variety of ways that you can find out how much it would cost you to attend the school. The first thing you need to consider is how many courses that you want to take and how much money you have to pay each year.Once you figure out the price that you can afford, it is time to look into the school t hat you would like to enroll in. Act Tutoring Dallas Fort Worth will give you the information that you need to make the right decision. There are many benefits to attending a class with an ACT Tutor.

The Dos and Donts of French Conversation

The Dos and Donts of French Conversation Megan L. Learning French takes time. However, that time can be shortened by understanding the best methods, tips, and tricks to use on your language journey. When mastering a foreign language, practice, vocabulary, and pronunciation are going to be keys to your successâ€"and like most things, when you adopt bad habits it may take longer to do it correctly and with clarity. You’ll also want to avoid certain faux pas when using your newly acquired language skills with native speakers. When spoken correctly and respectfully, French can benefit you in many ways. It can open up career opportunities, assist you on your travels, and allow you to meet new, interesting people. If you’re ready to get started, it’s helpful to know some of the do’s and don’ts of French conversation. DO Practice French Conversation Whenever You Can, Even if you’re on a Budget Lessons and classrooms aren’t the only place to practice your French. Many cities and towns around the nation have meet-ups and community groups centralized around practicing and conversing in a foreign language. Use your Google skills to find French conversation meet-ups in your area, and make them a part of your weekly routine. If you aren’t able to find a group nearby or travel to a French-speaking country, there is always the option to do live online conversations with native French speakers. Explore the multitude of free, innovative websites and other fun ways to learn and speak Frenchâ€"and remember you may have to reciprocate by helping someone with English. The more you practice the closer you’ll be to mastering French. DON’T Feel Weird about Reading French Books Out Loud Books are a wonderful option for practicing French conversation without having an additional person in the room. Find a book with plenty of dialogue, pull out your handy pronunciation app, and start reading out loud. At first it may be slow going, but if you do it often enough, you’ll be spewing out French phrases left and right. Highlight areas of interest, or spots where you felt your comprehension was weak. Revisit those areas after you’ve read a chapter and look up words and phrases. Feel free to repeat them a few times to commit them to memory. Hint: If adult literature seems a little too challenging, start with children’s books. The illustrations provide a colorful translator. DO Use the Internet as a Practice Tool The internet is the ultimate free tool when you’re tired of hitting the books. Flashcards and textbooks can only take you so farâ€"sometimes you need real-world experience. When you’re tired of studying, go ahead and surf the net. The trick? Do it all in French. You can change language settings to French and use Google translator to change a website’s text to a specific language (like French). Visit French sites, interact in French on social media, peruse French language blogs, Twitter and Facebook pages, and more. Watch French YouTube videos and even window shop on French websites. See if you can read the descriptions of items accurately. There is a whole world of French internet out there to explore. DON’T Forget Games, TV, Music, and Movies Reading and speaking are two methods for learning French conversation, but listening is another excellent tool. Search for online games in French, watch French TV, or stream French movies and music. Before you know it, you’ll start to identify words. Even more important, you can see what context they’re used in. Body language and tone of voice are two powerful ways to absorb a language on multiple levels. DO Keep a Vocabulary Book Many writers look and listen for new words. They keep a notebook with them (or use a note-taking app if they’re a technology fan), and jot down words that they are unfamiliar with. Once near a dictionary, they will look up these words so they can make them a part of their own vocabulary. The same principles work for foreign language. If you haven’t heard or seen a word or phrase before, write it down and look it up later. Before you know it you’ll be using it in your own French conversations. DON’T Practice Bad Words in French Chances are, somewhere along your language adventure someone has given you the gift of French curse words or insulting phrases. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say it on the job, to your grandmother or in an educational setting, it’s probably not a great idea to practice it in conversations with othersâ€"especially if you’re traveling abroad and are unsure of the cultural customs. In many countries, bad or disrespectful words and phrases come with more consequences than they do in the US. DO Work on How to Pronounce French Words Correctly It’s better to have it correct the first time than to continuously use incorrect pronunciation. Technology makes it easier than ever to learn correct pronunciation. If you aren’t in your lessons or with a native speaker, pull out a book, app, or check a language program on your computer. There are a variety of resources available, and each will appeal to an array of learning styles. Try a few methods to find the one that fits you best. Tip: Great apps include Lingodiction, (How to) Pronounce, and Pronunciation King. Excellent books are French Phonetics and The Sounds of French. DON’T Resort to Using English when French Conversation Gets Hard Understanding only a small fraction of a conversation can feel overwhelming and isolating. You feel lost and confused, and it’s easy for your confidence to suffer. When you were a toddler, it was second nature to simply sit and absorb, even if you didn’t fully understand what was going on around you. Try and put  that incredible ability back in your learning toolbox and apply it when you start to feel unnerved. You may want to resort to using English to get a point across or ask someone to explain something in Englishâ€"but don’t. Each time you persevere through an entire conversation as a listener or speaker, the closer you’ll be to understanding and speaking French fluently. It’s easy to give up, but far more rewarding to keep going, even when it’s hard. DON’T Ignore Common Cultural Cues One of the most important things you’ll learn to do is read and respect cultural cues. This is a skill that can take you far in life, whether you’re in your own country or abroad. Depending on the French speaker you’re talking to and where they’re from you’ll have a different set of customs to honor. For example, in France it’s not customary to be informal about names with people you don’t know well. It’s common to be more formal and direct. The warmth and familiarity will emerge as you get to know someone. If you plan on traveling or staying abroad for a period of time, do a quick search on common etiquette guidelines. It will enhance your conversations as well as your overall learning experience. DO Work Hard on Learning the Basics of French Grammar No matter what language it is, the word ‘grammar’ strikes fear into the heart of learners of all ages. Nothing is more daunting than conjugation, modifiers, tenses, and the endless rules. The good news is if you were able to learn the basics of English grammar you can learn the basics of French grammar. The rules tend to be more straightforward, and as you put them into play, speaking and interpreting French will get easier. While French conversation is indeed essential to mastering the language, so is basic grammar. DON’T Lose Hope In learning, we hit walls and roadblocks. Let’s say you’ve figured out greetings and can recognize a good amount of vocabulary. You may even understand basic grammar. Sometimes stringing all of those things together takes time. They say practice makes perfect, and it’s a common phrase for a reason. One day, all that hard work will give you the ability to put everything together and you’ll be able to have a fluent French conversation. Don’t lose hope before the transformation occurs. DO Travel Abroad and Accept French Conversation Opportunities France is not the only travel option for those looking to practice their French. If you feel like going off the beaten path or somewhere closer to home, try places like Quebec (and other parts of Canada), Belgium, Haiti, Madagascar, Monaco, Luxembourg, and Benin. Look into immersion programs, foreign exchange living situations, adventure travel, and volunteerism in French-speaking areas. If an opportunity to host a French foreign exchange student arises, or to have a French au pair, take advantage. Foreign language students talk about how much easier it is to learn a language when you are surrounded by itâ€"so practice whenever and wherever you can. DON’T Be Afraid to Initiate French Conversation If you’re standing in line at the museum and hear tourists speaking in French, go ahead and say, “Bonjour.” The worst thing that can happen is that they’ll ignore you. More likely, they’ll welcome the conversation and appreciate that someone made the effort. The same goes for traveling abroad. French speakers warm up quickly to those who attempt to use the native languageâ€"even if it’s a little shaky. A smile and an attempt goes a long way to receiving patience, practice, and help in French conversation. DO Put Theory into Practice Whenever You Can Sit down one day and make a list of where you can practice French conversation. Look at adding meet-ups, French restaurants, online communities, travel destinations, lessons, and classes. Brainstorm everything you can think of. Some will be practical and some will be dreams that happen later on. The purpose of your list is to put things into context. One of the most efficient ways to gain a skill is to use it in daily life in the proper setting. If you’ve just learned about ordering in French, find the nearest French bakery. Hop onto Skype and use your newfound vocabulary to talk about the weather with someone in the Congo. Head to your private tutor and practice telling them what you did the past weekend. The more frequently you use your French lessons in everyday life, the better your conversational skills will become. Think of the do’s and don’ts of French conversation as a essential guide for your everyday language learning lessons. Each step of the way you’ll know which paths to choose to keep you moving toward fluency. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by FotoMediamatic

How Online Tutoring Makes a Student Gain Interest in A subject

How Online Tutoring Makes a Student Gain Interest in A subject 0SHARESShare Any subject learning should blossom out of interest to reach heights of success. It depends upon good teaching methods and good learning attitude. Online tutoring offers its best in making a student get interested in a subject. When you feel frustrated with the work of a subject, say English, and need some help to come out of your problem, you might approach English tutors who actually take you out of the difficulty. And as time goes on, they could make you understand how you would like the subject with their tutoring methods and innovative ideas. It is especially useful for subjects like Math and Chemistry where you are always surrounded by outward anxiety and seemingly difficult situations. Your like for the subject is covered in doubts and confusion and you do not know the way to come out of it.  Math tutoring online provides experts who gauge the situation and show the way to like the subject and come out with valuable knowledge. When you do Chemistry, you face the same problem. Organic Chemistry could seemingly tantalize you with mistakes that may not allow you to enter the depth of the subject. Online Organic Chemistry tutoring removes all such obstructions and makes you learn the subject with real interest. Tutor Pace. Com provides able tutors to remove obstructions in learning a subject and develop interest in it. [starbox id=admin]